Now that Ali Zaffar’s unofficial PSL anthem is out, we can assess if it is really better than tayyar ho or not. if we translate both titles into English then they would be like; Mela Loot lia means perfected the show, or have won the hearts of the people. If we translate Tayyar ho, then it will be, are you ready. By the judge of the tunes and by the lyrics, it is Topi’s personal opinion that the “Tayyar ho” anthem that is the official anthem of the PSL is still a better one, on the other hand the “Mela Loot lia” is decent one too but still does not deliver what was expected, yes the hype was real and Ali Zafar quickly launched his song, most of his video includes the videos of his fans that are dancing all around the world, in their homes, at their classrooms, in front of shops, on the roads. Ali Zafar really created the hype, in the end who took everything for this hype, it was Ali Zafar, who got the credit, he worked smartly because he enticed his fans to send him the videos and those videos were edited into a video. All in all, it became quite easy for Ali Zafar and co to produce a song and to make a 4 minute video, more than 3 million views has been taken away in just a day, so you can understand how ali zafar has benefitted from all that.
His song was being released on the account, that he is always there for the Pakistani fans. #bhaihazirhay was the official trending tag. No doubt that he delivered when the fans requested but still this could have been better. Topi still think, that it is not good to have personal feuds because these are not good for the artists, but sometimes it is also good for the personal fame and yes, Pakistani audience can make you popular with just a single crazy stint, so if people are trying to take the advantage of that then it will certainly be given. Topi wants people to be talking about other issues, rather than Psl anthem, all of a sudden the hashtags start to trend and there is chaos on the twitter. Anyone can trend anything on twitter and that should not be the case to voice your views. Anyways Topi knows Pakistani people don’t give a shit, they like to have their own PSL anthem and they got it, but Ali Zafar will be paid heavily by the Youtube since it is his production, and Pakistani fans just got satisfied. It would have been better if he should have paid all those, whose videos he included in his anthem. This will never be the case, the artists will always be fooling Pakistani people and we will be foolishly falling in their traps, mocking people and giving them the negative word of mouth is also you doing a publicity campaign for someone for free. Think about this, because Topi has thought it through.