International Topi

Few indications of you having the coronavirus



Asymptomatic people and some unknown symptoms of Covid-19

Asymptomatic people, those people who think they don’t have the coronavirus but when they get tested they are almost shocked, that is because their immune system was effective enough to fight the virus. These are one of those people, which Chinese research has also indicated that are spreading the virus the most. Shortness of breathe, cough, fever, body pain, these are the most common signs that you have the coronavirus prevailing in your system but there are other signs that are not mainly associated with the Covid-19. The loss of smell, stomach ache, nausea, these are the symptoms that have been explained by the vice president of the company K Health,  Dr. Edo Paz.

Diarrhea and vomiting have also been associated with the symptoms of Coronavirus, on the other hand, it has also been noted by the doctor that still medical teams are trying to find out why the virus is able to affect some people the most, while other’s remain asymptomatic (don’t show symptoms of the virus). But until now we know that everyone has a different immune system, so it mainly depends on their body if it is able to fight the virus or not.

How the Covid-19 affects different parts of the body

First just like normal cough and cold virus it hits the nose and the back of the head so that the person will feel a sore throat and the common cold. Then patients lose their tasting and smelling ability, after that the virus tend to move towards the lungs and becomes a barricade in normal operations of lungs, then the person will feel pain in the chest. Then when the Covid-19 moves to the bloodstream, then it takes over the whole body in order to create problems like night sweats, malaise, and fatigue. Therefore, most of the people living in the same region, will have similar symptoms while people living in different regions will have different symptoms.

Symptoms not associated with Covid-19

Focal skin lesions or rashes left leg pain, but it has also been said by the doctors that it cannot be predicted how the novel Coronavirus will be affecting the people. But, it is understood that Covid-19 cannot cause chronic symptoms that might last longer for a month or so. At this time, there is no a particular vaccine or cure that has been designed to kill the virus permanently, therefore the virus has to be eradicated by decreasing the number of cases, by following the proper guidelines of social distancing and by following a proper diet at home. At the end; there is always a recommendation for humanbeings from the Topibaaz and that is to wash the hands with the Soap.

Enjoy social distancing! Cheers!

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