Israeli scientists have claimed that they have found the potential vaccine formula, in order to combat covid-19. It is indicated by the Minister of Science and Technology that a vaccine will be ready within 3 weeks and will be available for its use in 3 months. The Galilee Research Institute has been working on this course to develop a potential vaccine. It has also been indicated by the authorities that scientists are working day and night in order to make sure that they process the vaccine as soon as possible and it should then be utilized to cure the people.
Team of Migal scientists have also developed a vaccine for the cure of the Bronchitis, disease originated from poultry. Although, the clinical trials have been conducted and the effectiveness of this vaccine is also guaranteed. The idea is based on the new protein expression vector. Wit the help of that chimeric soluble protein will be developed, it is able to provide viral antigen to the mucosal tissues. Hence, it will form antibodies in the human system in order to cure the coronavirus. It has also been indicated that they tested this system for coronavirus, Covid-19 as pure luck, and hence they are succeeded.