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Sana Makki, can it cure Covid-19, lets find out!



First of all, everyone should be sure of one thing, we all need to boost our immune systems to stay healthy but things that can boost our immune system cannot cure Covid-19 directly, yes they can help us protect and fight against various diseases. It has been stated by the Doctors that “Sana Makki” and various other immune boosters can only help you boost your immune system, additionally, people are not aware that what particular quantity of it, that they should be consuming and this creates more problems and side effects. Herbal medicines are not medically tested, therefore humans are not sure about the correct consummation quantities.

On social media these things can go viral and people will loose their minds, instead, the time should be served on finding vaccines for curing the Covid-19, but Pakistani people instead try to find alternatives in various other herbal treatments like eating ginger, or onion etc. A man named Nazir Ahmed, who is a herbal doctor from United Kingdom claimed that he had cured over 150 patients of Covid-19 by giving them a special tea made of Sana Makki. He also claimed that their tests came negative after they consumed my herbal tea, he also challenged as other imposters do it, that Pakistani and UK government that this will cure every other patient suffering from Covid-19 in a single day.

On the other hand, Dr. Tahir shamsi, who is the current head of the National institute fo the Blood Diseases stated that this herbal treatment from Sana Makki can only boost immunity. He also stated that its use in the Allopathic medicine has also been adopted for centuries so there is nothing new in using this thing, additionally, this herb was also used for curing chronic constipation. Sennoside and anthraquinone have been recognised as two agents that reduce inflammation in the body as well as curing the swelling of the throat when a person is going through influenza.

Additionally, this had side effects to it also, since it has more side effects than the positive influences or positive effects as stated by Dr. Tahir. Dr. Rafiq khanani, who is also the president of the Infection Control Society of Pakistan has stated that some doctors state at the start, that this plant can be useful but only at the earlier stages of the covid-19 exposure. On the other hand, it cannot be taken in larger doses, additionally, it was also stated that Pakistan Drug Regulatory Authority was also thinking to conduct a clinical trial concerning, “Sana Makki”.

it has also been noted by the head of the Infection Control Scoiety of Pakistan that unproven claims that are propagating within our society about the treatment of Covid-19 patients through the Sana Makki are baseless, we should opt for scientifically proven therapies. Last month, World Health Organisation has also stated that they are open for any innovations regarding the treatment of Covid-19. Hence, it would help them to find a cure for Covid-19. WHO also recognises that traditional medicines and herbs also had an effect in Africa while curing various diseases. “Artemisia annua” has also been considered as the possible treatment for Cvoid-19 patients, therefore it should be tested for its effectiveness and side effects.

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