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Twitter is Trending KhalilurRehman again but Why?



The word is out that KhalilurRehman said bitch and some nasty Urdu slang words that he should not have been said. But on the other hand, the problems is that people are not seeing the problem in both ways.

Yes, he has a thin skin and a man with a thin skin and especially when he is a renowned writer in Pakistan is not easy to handle. Same happened to Marvi Sarmad, believe you cannot think secular more than Topi but that women are a witch. She just took the advantage of the situation, and she said #merajismmerimarzi numerous times infront of a man, who is open about his thoughts and he is not going to hold them even if he is sitting on the national television. The woman, holds very negative views about our beloved Pakistan. checkout the twitter video in which she said some stupid things and findout yourself who is the culprit here;

Amir liaquat was defending women against Mir khalilurRehman, someone should should show him his videos, where he is giving galian without a stop. He used to do a religious show, but then after everyone saw his leaked videos behind the camera, he turned from religious to game show host, but now he does both. In ramadan, he become religious and then afterwards he starts doing game show again, what kind of shit is that, and that man was defending women and he was condemning the character of KhalilurRehman.

Listen Topi is not saying or defending him for what he did on the news bulletin, but a news anchor is asking from Amir Liaquat to give KhalilurRehman a lesson about ethics, C’mon guys that’s a bit harsh isn’t it. Amir liquat is no more than a freak of nature, he spew venom when he utter some words, he can do anything for entertainment and for people to watch his show. So, you cannot ask a guy like this to come on television and teach KhalilurRehman about the ethics, thats a bloody shame. Look at this twitter video of KhalilurRehman for his interpretation of a normal pakistani man.

Topi is full in for an aurat march, because Pakistan is a country for every one, but there was a tweet in which a guy tweeted a photo of kashmiri women protesting for the lives of their sons and their fathers and their husdbands. He said that they are not asking rights for their bodies, but they are asking for the lives of their belowed ones. Topi also does not agree with that mahira khan having some sutta with ranbir, because that’s a normal thing for a person to smoke, so that is also a bit harsh but you know paskitani social media, when it rants about something it goes too far and that’s what that anchor did with KhalilurRehman, who was trying to give a social lesson to Khalil, and Khalil was right, he called a guest to talk with him, he should not be asking him questions like khalilurRehman is his bloody child, this all can happen on Pakistani media, you cannot stop anything. What if KhalilurRehman take his own life due to this pressure, that his image has been spoiled on media, that would be a shame, a total shame.

Mansoor seems like he needed ratings, yes KhalilurRehman said Bitch, but lets be honest mansoor, you are used to say that word every now and then. Mansoor was saying, you are not a normal pakistani, man are you shitting me, what are you trying to say, are you the embodiment of the best pakistani. Mansoor should not be personally ranting him, although he should not be discussing all of this, what is done and dusted should not be discussed again. Because no one can prove any point with all of this, you did that, you did wrong or you did right. So it is confirmed that Mansoor wanted some ratings, so he called KhalilurRehman for the hot topic and just argued with him for nothing. Lets be honest, anyone wants a good pay day and a good future, especially these so called cheap anchors.

Topi’s verdict, if you have to judge someone’s credibility then you can meet them personally there is no point in ranting and arguing with someone on the live tv. Adios Tharkis!

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