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What to expect in Zack Snyder’s Justice League



It might be the DC’s second chance to have a go at the justice league again and to build the interest of the people towards DC’s cinematic universe, although still, it cannot compete against marvel, which has taken the lead a while ago when it finished a chapter of avengers in infinity wars. With few of the actors retiring from their legendary roles in marvels movies like Iron man, Captain America. But this time around in 2021, things can be changed since the Justice leave runtime is almost 4 hours, means that the HBO max would present it in the series of episodes, and not only this but this time around a villain of stature like Thanos will be seen in Dc’s cinematic universe, the guy who played the villain was given permission to tweet and confirm that he is the Darkseid, yes the vicious and the brutal Dark Seif will make an appearance. Although Actors like BenAffleck might not return for the role of Batman again, also for the vfx, Ben and other actors would be taking part again, since Wb is spending around 30 million again, but this is a good time to release a Saga that has not been on the cinemas, the vision of Zack Snyder will be put to light.

In Batman vs Superman, there were dream sequences, where batman was using guns, a fan asked on twitter, and Zack Snyder said yes there are more dream sequences in the Justice League movie. Additionally, Henry Cavill will also be reprising his role as Superman in future movies, it was being confirmed by various Sources. Flashpoint paradox movies can also become of the most highly anticipated movies, where Flash goes back in an alternate universe, where Thomas Wayne is batman and he uses the gun, since Bruce and Martha lost their lives, so he works with Thomas Wayne to tell him that his son survived in other universe and he works with him, and he is totally the opposite of Thomas Wayne since he does not uses guns.

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