International Topi

Why women will be more affected by Covid-19 as compared to their male counterparts



It has been indicated by the researchers that women makes most of the front end of the health care, therefore they are fighting on the front line for humanity and therefore they are the most vulnerable beings towards Covid-19. Schools have been closed in masses, but women bear most of the responsibilites for the child care, and therefore they are being affected the most. it has also been estimated that womens are doing more than three times of the unpaid care work as compared to them, for instance caring for their families, caring for their relatives especially who has been infected with the virus, this aspect also indicates that they are being affected the most. 

Although the chinese reserch indicates that Covid-19 has affected both men and women in the same way, and women appears to die very less as compared to the numbers of men. Out of 44,600 people death rate, it has been indicated that mainly 2.8 percent of these were men and 2,8 percent of these were women. The scientists have indicated that these aspects include the factors like the life style and the bilogical aspects due to which most of the facts can be explained. Chinese men smoke more as compared to women, which means that their immune systems are more vulnerable to the viruses. Additionally, the women’s immune system is stronger as compared to men and it can fight longer.

But on the other hand, when the numbers of those women that are fighting on the front lines could be analysed then it could be noted that women are more vulnerable. Women are working in hospitals for longer hours, and they are also taking care of their childcare responsbilities side by side. More than 41,000 people have been sent to hubei province of china to fight the virus. In February, almost 3387 numbers have been infected with Covid-19, almost all of them were from Hubei. Half of the doctors and nurses in Hubei are women, almost 70 percent in the 104 countries women are in the front line of the health care. Only less than 11 percent are those consists of men.

According to internation labour organisaiton, women have performed 76.3 percent of the total hours of unpaid care work. In Asia this figure is about 80 percent. Nearly 300 million of the students are missing their classes because of Covid-19, across 15 countries the child care has been closed and women are working from home and taking care of their children also. Therefore, especially the doctors and nurses that are figting in the frontlines against the virus, are unable to find any child care, and now they have added responsibilities.

Topibaaz salutes all the women working in health care, especailly those who have children at their homes; We salute all mothers and sisters all around the world.

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