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World economic forum says Pakistan’s “Green stimulus” program works for both the environment and for the unemployed



World economic forum has just posted a video saying that Pakistan is paying the people to earn as little as dollar 3 per day under the tough times, when coronavirus has hit the economy, by planting saplings. The money is enough to feed the families, tens and thousands of jungle jobs have been created as prime minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan has stated before that he will pay people to plant the trees and they will be paid to look after the forestry also. In Pakistan, especially in Karachi, the lockdown starts from 5pm, so everyone can go out before and even people are allowed to go to work. Social distancing protocols have been followed by banks, security guards will not allow you to enter, if you are not wearing the masks, they will also spray on your hands, while going in and coming out of the bank. Seats in the bank are separate to follow the social distancing protocols also.

Pakistan 5 year plan is to plant 10 billion trees, hence the climate change effects can be trickled down. Pakistan and specifically Lahore and Karachi have been hit badly by rising temperatures, in rural areas, flooding is also a problem. Reforestation will help reduce the flooding and can also put an impact on the temperatures. this will also help recover the eroding landscape, hence more oxygen will be released to the atmosphere. Surely 10 billion trees will help reduce the temperature in various parts of Pakistan. The levels of pollution have also been decreased under the pandemic, as Lahore used to the highly polluted city, just like Dehli in India. Karachi is also having the breather in this particular time.

A good story of Abdul Rehman has also been cited in the post by World economic forum, who was a construction worker and was thinking to beg on streets but now with governments plan to manage the construction workers to plant the trees, he is able to make a living. By doing this Pakistan is gearing up for a big challenge that is called Climate change, the world has been affected. Although Pakistan contributes very little to climate change but still, because of the extensive amount of construction, building operations all around the world, the world has been affected as a unit. Hence, Pakistan has to play its part in order to reduce the climate change by planting 10 billion trees and this helps the economy to grow also, whenever people are induced in different jobs as long as they are not staying at home, working for the economy, and for the good of the country, its fine for the world and for that country also. Around 500 rupees is 3 dollars for a day, that is half for a day for a construction worker, but still, it’s fine to survive and make a living. More than 63,600 jobs will be created.

Pakistan institute of development economics has stated that almost 19 million people are laid off because of the lockdown, therefore it is not easy to survive. The planting of trees is happening in 6000 hectares, which is 15000 acres. The program also has a focus on hiring the women in the villages, the payment will be around 800 rupees per day. Because the main aspect is to create jobs in the villages also. Workers also maintain social distancing protocols. Currently the forest cover is about 6% that is very poor, according to WEF. 7.5 billion rupees funding is being designated to this 10 billion tree project. 30 million saplings have been planted in Punjab since the initiation of this particular program

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