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Imran khan was making an appeal for debt relief from int community, but Pakistani awam focused on his ralph Lauren top



This debate can take two turns, either Imran khan don’t give a shit, wear classic, expensive clothes, he does not give a darn about his nation also. Or it’s just his normal routine, and we are just phuppos on social media trying to elevate the level of jealousy towards our own p.m, and yes we don’t have an anything else to talk about, so why not curse him for his expensive Ralph Lauren top. Either way that debate is stupid, well so I am going to take a new turn, that is to explain the message that he was trying to give to the international community. Khan said the lockdown has affected the economies all around the world, but for a developing nation like us, it is a worse nightmare, nations like us are unable to cope up with the bad circumstance that has been imposed by the epidemic.

Additionally, a special online portal has also been set up especially to collect the donations from the overseas Pakistanis, overseas Pakistanis have always been generous to help our nation, and Imran khan has been collection charity for his shaukat khanum hospital from the overseas Pakistanis. Therefore, it is never a no and no situation when it comes to giving charity, we Pakistanis take part in it, with the full swing, and do charity with our open hearts. We cannot criticize our regional our national governments, because none of them can take ideal decisions in this scenario. None of the world countries were ready for it, and it devastated human population all over the world, therefore in this time, we need to support our nation and we have to give zakat as more as possible.

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