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The myths and legends behind the untapped Autonomous region of Sardinia!



Sardinia is mainly recognised for its beaches and blue water but there is a lot more that you should know about Sardinia. The gem of Sardinia is facing different countries around it, countries like Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, France and Italy are at the forefront of this region. This also means diversity, in both food and culture. According to an estimate from 2015, it has 1,658,138 population. Nuraghic dialect is also different as compared to normal Italian spoken in different regions of Italy. The Nuraghic age dates around 1900 and 730 B.C, the Nuraghic structures are made up of basalt, and the basalt is taken from the extinct volcanoes. Rumours are that Sherden, one of the sea people, who fought in Egypt came from there and started living on Sardinia, because there are no written records of the Nuraghic culture present on the island.

Sardinian Flag representing the four defeated morish prince

It has also been indicated through the Archaeological research that nuraghi people were organised tribal states. it has influences from Phoenician, roman, vandal, byzantine, it also had Arab incursions. Aragonese, savoy and Austrians have also influenced the regions, almost all of the regions surrounding Sardinia tried to capture it and to make it their own territory but at last in 1861, it became a part of united Italy. Germany has also occupied the island in World War II, but in 1943 german occupation had also been removed by Italian forces. In 1948, it became a self-governing state and it is now an autonomous region of Sardinia. Lingua France, Sardinian, Catalan, and Arabic is being spoken in the region, and Sardinians are well-known for their Loyalty and hospitality.

Sardinians also hold various festivals, folklore and craftwork are also one of the main aspects of the region. Feats of horsemanship are also displayed in most of the annual festivals, where different kinds of costumes, dancing and singing are on display. launeddas is also one of the main attractions in the annual festivals. Nature and agriculture also have a very deep connection with all of Sardinia. Local productions include; Wheat, barley, grapes, olives, cork, cheese and tobacco are made locally and also tuna, lobster, and sardines are one of the main productions of the region. Not only this but smelting of Lead, Zinc and production of alumina is also the responsibility of this region. Sardinia is connected with Italy by both land and sea, so there is no problems of commutation from Italy, therefore tourists can travel to Sardinia without any problems. Although the island is isolated from Italy, this isolation has relatively helped in protection of various cultures and ethnic diversity that is enriched within the autonomous region of Sardinia. So, if you are a tourist, and visiting to plan Italy, then Sardinia should be in your list for sure.

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Let’s Dive deep into Ocean Gate’s Submersible Tragedy




The website now says that they have suspended all exploration and commercial operations after the recent tragedy in which CEO Stockton rush himself with five others and lost his life. The expeditions that were advertised on the ocean gates website for Titanic’s exploration were of 8 days and 7 nights, May 23 to June 23, max people were 6 on board, 5 others including the CEO Stockton rush, the minimum age for participation in this exploration is 17+, maximum people indicated for a dive were 6 per week. Wifi is also available on board. The departure and return location is St, Johns New Newfoundland, Canada. Dates for the 2024 expedition are also available on the website, 2024 Expedition Mission 1: June 12 – 20, Mission 2: June 21 – 29. Other essentials are listed below;



Price Includes

  • One submersible dive
  • Private accommodations
  • All required training
  • Expedition gear
  • All meals while on board

Price Excludes

  • Airfare and travel
  • Hotels and meals before departure
  • Travel or personal insurance

The video of the whole experience is also present on the website so that viewers can be advertised how and what are they going to experience if they are going to be on board for the titanic wreckage exploration.

It has also been indicated on the website that tourists onboard will be taking their trip with none other than PH Nargeolet, PH Nargeolet is a renowned Titanic expert, having led six expeditions to the Titanic wreck site and lectured at numerous Titanic exhibitions around the world. He’s known as “Titanic’s Greatest Explorer.” It was his 28th dive that led him to his death, in one interview, he recounts the memory when Stockton contacted him about the submersible, he said that he responded, “it’s okay, it’s fine, I will accompany you”. Seems like PH didn’t care about the design since, he had already dived and had seen the wreckage so many times, he could have hoped onto any submersible not considering the safety standards that has been taken or undergone by the manufacturer of the submersible.

From day 1 to day 7 the drip has had these features;

Day 1 St. John’s – Newfoundland – Canada

Arrive in the seaside city of St. John’s to meet your expedition crew and board the vessel that will take you to the wreck of the RMS Titanic. Visitors will familiarize themselves with life on a working vessel as we begin the 400-nautical-mile-journey to the wreck site.

Day 2 North Atlantic

Welcome to the wild North Atlantic Ocean. As we continue to steam out to the dive site, visitors will learn more about the days ahead and get to know the rest of the expedition crew more. The Expedition Leader will go over important safety information and dive day logistics, and our science team and content experts will help visitors prepare for what they may discover on their dive. It would be wise to make it an early night – dive days begin bright and early and ocean gate may be diving as soon as Day 3. 

Day 3 – 7 Titanic Dive Site

Depending on the sea state, diving could begin as early as Day 3.

On a dive day, ocean gate said that they will begin with final dive checks on the back deck before heading to the bridge for a pre-dive meeting. Then visitors will climb inside Titan, OceanGate’s five-person submersible, to begin the dive. Those who are not diving the first day will be incorporated into other areas of dive ops — like driving the dingy, assisting the Expedition Manager, collecting media or simply enjoying watching the team work together to do something truly unique.

Once the submersible is launched visitors will begin to see alien-like lifeforms whizz by the viewport as visitors sink deeper and deeper into the ocean. The descent takes approximately two hours but it feels like the blink of an eye. Visitors may assist the pilot with coms and tracking, take notes for the science team about what people see outside of the viewport, watch a movie, or eat lunch. There is a private toilet at the front of the sub if nature calls.

Soon visitors will arrive at depth, and after some navigating across the seafloor and debris field, finally, see what you’ve been waiting for: the RMS Titanic. The content expert onboard will point out key features, be they of the wreck itself or the life that calls this corner of the ocean home. Enjoy hours of exploring the wreck and debris field before making the two-hour ascent to the surface.

Once on deck, you will be welcomed back by the expedition crew and be able to share the story of your incredible accomplishment.

On the days you’re not diving, you may be part of the dive ops crew for the other dive team, review underwater footage from your dive, chat with experts about the dive’s discoveries, sit in the sun on the top deck, watch a pod of whales swim by the ship, drive a dingy in the wild North Atlantic – non-diving days are just as busy as dive days.

Ocean gate will begin to steam back to St. John’s on Day 7.

Day 8 St. John’s – Newfoundland – Canada

Signal Hill is the first thing visitors will see as we motor into St. John’s. Take a moment to reflect on all that you have accomplished – ocean gate also claimed that, the visitors are one of less than 300 people in history who have dove into the world’s most famous shipwreck. Visitors leave the vessel with a collection of media from the dives and an amazing adventure to share when they get back home.

This is the total 8-day plan that was made to explore the Titanic wreckage, a novel so-called submersible that was made up of carbon-fiber. There were many speculations that had been done on the structural compromises that had been made by using this particular material, that is not usually used for manufacturing a deep diving submersible. Only future can tell what was the main problem due to which it lost its communication and then imploded, or it imploded due to which it lost its communication with the control central.

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Alien life signs are now visible on Planet Venus




A rare toxic gas called as Phosphine has been found on the atmosphere of Venus, which does not indicate that humans will be thinking of travelling to venus for the near future but it is an indication of possible signs of Alien life. It has been indicated by scientists that this kind of quantity of phosphine is unexplainable and it can be an indication of alien life. Phosphine on earth can be found in pond slimes and penguin dungs, and it is the most foul-smelling gasses on earth. Therefore, scientists believe that it indicates a sign of life on Venus.

How this is an indication of life, this is the main question which further states the fact that the phosphorus cannot be produced without any non-biological way. Therefore, the alien microbes could be causing the production of this gas on venus’s atmosphere. Because on the earth phosphine can only be made in a lab or through the help of the microorganisms. On Jupiter and Saturn also, there is a presence of phosphine but the idea storms on these planets are the main cause of the phosphine gas.

About 5 to 20 parts billion of phosphine gas is present on the venus’s atmosphere. It is a lot more than we have the amount of phosphine present on earth. phosphine can be broken down by light and therefore it can be realised that some particular phenomena are continuously making or producing the gas again and again on the planet venus. We think that it is the causing of any biological life but it can be some other process that might be producing the phosphine gas.

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Elon Musk has introduced the first neuralink, the chip in your brain to solve physical problem




From Space engineering to providing one of the best autonomous cars to a human being. Elon Musk is here to solve the problems of the world, by introducing the best technologies that are not available anywhere around the earth. Nueralink device is one of his new ventures, that will solve various physical problems of human beings, the device will be stitched with the brain and then it can solve and cancel out various problems that are associated with the human body for example epilepsy and seizures.

Elon Musk shows Neuralink brain implant working in a pig - CNET
Neuralink stitched in brain

Additionally, a robot surgeon will be doing all of this, therefore the surgery will be dead accurate and after just four hours the human would be able to go back home without any problem. Although the current prototype has been tested on pigs, some pigs are even implanted with two neuralinks. Also, some pigs have underwent surgery and then neuralink has been taken off from their brains and the live demonstration showed that they have no physical problems at all and they seem healthy and fit.

Elon Musk sets update on brain-computer interface company Neuralink for  August 28 | TechCrunch

The size of the neuralink is just close to a small coming, with almost 1200 electrodes stitched to the brain of the human being and then all the signals of the body can be read on the screen and hence it could save humans from potential organ failures, heart attacks etc. The device is called as “utah array”, the device has 64 electrodes in it, and the robot will stitch it with the brain without having any neural damage to the brain.

Elon Musk Literally Pigs Out With Impressive Live Demo Of Neuralink Brain  Chip Implant | HotHardware
Specs of the Prototype

The sensors in the device can detect motion, temperature and pressure, and 1024 wires to pick the electrical signals from neurons. The neuralink will be charged wirelessly, and after charging it can last a full day. The data transmission will be done on the Bluetooth, hence there are some challenges of the interference but the device will send data like a normal Bluetooth device. In future, the neuralink is able to do wonders like solving the mental illness, hearing impairment, vision problems, memory loss, and addiction also.

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Why Pakistan is lagging behind in the moon race and why it is important to occupy space




Since 1975, its the first water landing of American astronauts, a space mission that is being launched with the co-operation of NASA and SpaceX. The correspondent congratulated, thanks for flying Space X. By that he meant, that the rocket that was used for this mission was built by the SpaceX. SpaceX has surpassed the engineering limits, and the dreams once seen by Elon Musk nor becoming the reality. I do not want to say that humans went to orbit, I will say that Americans want to orbit. Because, who takes all the praise, all of the nations present in the world when they launch a space mission or the one who are actually responsible for it. Americans are always way ahead when it comes to research and development, once they were fighting and launching moon mission since they had to compete with the Soviet Union. But now the cold war days are over, and there is no Soviet Union anymore. Now what is the need to launch such mission, now they are trying to occupy the space, and we all know that whoever occupies the space the first, will not be ruling the world but will be ruling the whole space. Means if Americans are able to occupy mars, before any other nation, then there will be no other flags on mars, but there will be only one flag on the mars, that is of America.

Pakistan has introduced its Political map today, that is not a bad initiative as far as its regional importance is concerned. There was a need to explain to the world, that which particular regions are an integral part of Pakistan. The importance of Kashmir has also been highlighted in it, as the Kashmiri leaders have also agreed that they want to become a part of Pakistan. But someone has to think beyond this world and has to understand why American are continuously trying to occupy the space. Because, space will help them monitor the whole world, and not only the world but a new planet will be theirs and all other nations would be working under Americans. Americans would be the first nation to develop rules and regulations on other planets, for instance, Elon Musk wants to take humans as a tourist to Mars. Can he take tourists to Pakistan, I don’t think so, neither he can make money from it. So, he is thinking like an occupier and he will be able to do it until 2050. SpaceX will be running commercial operations and taking tourists to moon or mars since it will be their rockets, their pilots and their planets.

We cannot lag behind in this race, we can think that humans went to orbit in 2020, but they don’t say humans, they say Americans went to space and came back easily. Therefore, we need to focus on space program and we need to initiate the findings for such programs that would help our own Pakistani astronauts land on planets like Moon or Mars, India has already made an attempt, now they know the process. And soon they will launch a new space program that will reach the moon.

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