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Sushant singh’s suicide has caused a huge controversy, Bollywood is a sinking ship



Karan johar has been trolled on the case of Nepotism in Bollywood, it has been indicated by various sources that Sushant has been denied for various movies by Karan Johar and also by Salman khan. People are asking everyone to ban his films and to stop watching his movies. The producer also seems to lose followers on social media; mainly twitter and everyone is tweeting against him that he is a backstabber, who only cast a list of stars in his movies.

it has also been stated by fans that various television actors have been sidelined in Bollywood in recent time, and therefore their places has been taken by the big names of Bollywood. Sushant, siddarth shukla, hina khan have also faced similar consequences when they were unable to land any roles and went on the way to suicide.

Nepotism clearly exists within Bollywood and now it seems that Bollywood is a sinking ship, because so many good actors have not been given roles in bigger block busters, hence they were unable to make their name and they choose to take their lives, that is the reason why people have taken a stance again; salman khan, Karan Johar and Sanjay Leela bhansali also …. it has also been stated by his family that he was about to get married in November….

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The Bedwetter – While being Wet he explored the Whole Universe




Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a curious and adventurous kid named Alex. Alex loved exploring the world, whether it was through his imagination or by cycling around the neighborhood. He often found himself daydreaming about cycling through vast green fields, feeling the wind rush through his hair.

One sunny afternoon, Alex dozed off on his favorite armchair, lost in a daydream about racing on his bicycle. In his dream, he was pedaling with all his might, his legs moving in perfect rhythm with the spinning wheels. The excitement in his dream was so real that his body reacted to it.

However, as the dream progressed, Alex suddenly felt an urgent need to relieve himself. His eyes shot open, and he realized that his dream was interrupted by a very pressing matter. Panic surged through him, and he leaped up from the armchair, searching for a solution. His eyes landed on a small garden just outside the window.

Without wasting a second, Alex rushed outside, hoping to find a spot to answer nature’s call. He darted through the garden, scanning for a suitable hiding place. But as he fumbled to find a suitable spot, his body had other plans. The moment he found a quiet corner, the plants surrounding him started growing rapidly, towering above him.

Confused and desperate, Alex tried to stop the flow, but to his horror, he couldn’t. He looked down at his own body, desperately pleading with his own private parts to cease their release. “Stop! Stop! Please, stop!” he begged, his voice filled with embarrassment and distress. But his pleas fell on deaf ears as the stream continued relentlessly.

Suddenly, Alex’s eyes snapped open. He found himself back in his room, drenched in sweat. His heart raced, and he struggled to catch his breath. His friend, Ethan, sat across from him with a bewildered expression on his face.

“Bro, I saw you peeing all over your bed,” Ethan said, unable to contain his amusement.

Blushing furiously, Alex felt a mix of relief and embarrassment flood through him. He couldn’t believe that his dream had somehow become a reality, albeit an embarrassing one. He glanced at the wet bed sheets and quickly realized that he needed a plan to cover up his mishap before his parents found out.

“Let’s not tell anyone,” Alex pleaded with Ethan, hoping to salvage some dignity.

Ethan chuckled and agreed to help his friend. They hurriedly stripped the bed and bundled up the wet linen, brainstorming ways to wash them without their parents noticing. They tiptoed upstairs to the laundry room, hoping to avoid any confrontation.

However, just as they were about to begin their covert operation, Alex’s parents appeared at the top of the stairs, a concerned expression on their faces.

“Kid, have you peed on the bed again?” his mother exclaimed, her voice a mix of disbelief and exasperation.

Alex’s face flushed with embarrassment as he stood there, caught in the act. He stammered, trying to find the right words to explain the situation, but the evidence was clear. Ethan stood beside him, wearing a sheepish grin, knowing that their secret mission had failed.

As Alex’s parents took in the scene before them, a mix of amusement and frustration, they exchanged a knowing glance. While they were disappointed that Alex had once again wet his bed, they couldn’t help  friends, a story they would laugh about for years to come.but find the situation somewhat comical.

Sighing, Alex’s father shook his head and said, “Well, I guess it’s time for a serious talk about  using the bathroom before bedtime.”

And so, amidst a whirlwind of embarrassment, laughter, and life lessons, Alex and Ethan learned that dreams, no matter how vivid or embarrassing, can sometimes have a way of seeping into reality. From that day forward, Alex made sure to use the bathroom before bedtime, hoping to avoid any more unexpected mishaps. But, this ugly dream was just the start of this phenomenon that is called as the bedwetter

As the school day progressed, the whispers and gossip about Alex’s bedwetting habit continued to spread among the students. The group of kids who had been making up stories about him grew bolder with each passing moment. Alex and Ethan sat together at another table, finishing their lunch, aware of the stares and whispers directed their way.

Feeling frustrated and embarrassed, Alex turned to Ethan and asked, “Have you told them again?”

Ethan shook his head, replying, “No, I haven’t. But maybe you should tell them yourself. Otherwise, they’ll keep making up stories, and you’ll feel even more ashamed.”

Nervously, Alex glanced over at the group of kids who had been spreading the rumors. One of them, Jake, seemed particularly agitated. Determined to confront the situation head-on, Alex made his way towards Jake, hoping to set the record straight.

However, upon reaching Jake, Alex was met with a surge of anger. Jake swung his fist at Alex, aiming to hurt him for reasons beyond the bedwetting rumors. Instinctively, Alex raised his thermos to defend himself, but in the heat of the moment, he misjudged his movement. The thermos rolled off his hand, striking him in the face instead, causing his cheek to swell.

Jake, surprised by the unexpected outcome, quickly retreated, leaving Alex nursing his throbbing cheek. The commotion drew the attention of teachers, and soon Alex found himself back in the headmistress’s office, accompanied by his concerned mother.

The headmistress listened attentively as Alex explained the situation, recounting the rumors and the altercation with Jake. Sensing Alex’s sincerity, the headmistress decided to address the issue firmly. She summoned Jake and the other kids involved in spreading the stories, demanding an explanation for their behavior.

Reluctantly, the kids confessed to their part in the rumor mill. The headmistress expressed her disappointment and issued appropriate consequences, reminding them of the importance of empathy and understanding.

Turning to Alex, she offered words of encouragement, advising him to be cautious and to report any future incidents promptly. She assured him that his well-being and reputation were important to the school community.

After the meeting, Alex returned home, his swollen cheek a painful reminder of the day’s events. His mother, a mix of concern and anger, scolded him for getting into a fight but recognized the need to address the underlying issue.

The next day at school, as Alex navigated the hallways with a hint of trepidation, a new classmate caught his attention. Nerma, a Muslim girl from Bosnia, entered the classroom, exuding a quiet grace and beauty that captivated Alex instantly.

Over time, Alex’s friendship with Nerma blossomed. They often found themselves seated together during classes, helping each other with their respective subjects. Nerma struggled with algebra, while Alex found history challenging. Recognizing their complementary strengths, they agreed to study together, exchanging knowledge and expertise.

Nervous yet excited, Alex brainstormed with Ethan about his upcoming study session at Nerma’s house. Ethan, always the mischievous one, suggested watching a movie to prepare for the possibility of seeing naked women, as a lighthearted attempt to broach the subject of puberty.

They devised a plan to acquire a VHS tape with scenes of a movie that included nudity. Sneaking it into Alex’s house, they settled in to watch, unaware that Alex’s father had arrived home early.

Caught off guard, Alex’s father walked in on them, his face filled with surprise and disappointment. He sternly questioned the boys about the tape, demanding an explanation for their actions. Concerned for their well-being, he decided to take both Alex and Ethan to the local video store, urging the owner not to lend any movies to the kids in the future.

Through all the ups and downs, Alex learned valuable lessons about navigating rumors, friendships, and the complexities of growing up. And as time went on, he discovered that the path to self-discovery was filled with unexpected twists and turns, but it was in those moments that he found the truest connections and forged the most meaningful relationships.

Finally, the time has come and alex visits nermas house, he is being welcomed by her parents. While studying, alex cannot control his affection for nerma, tries to kiss her but she stops him and says to him that her parents have asked her not to get involved with any christian kid.

Feeling disheartened by Nerma’s rejection, Alex returned home with a heavy heart. The realization that his religion had become a barrier between him and someone he cared about left him questioning his own beliefs and values. He contemplated how he could bridge the divide that seemed to separate them.

As he walked through the streets lost in his thoughts, a familiar voice calling his name snapped him out of his reverie. It was the same kid from school who had been harassing him earlier. Fear gripped Alex as he realized he was being pursued. He quickened his pace, desperately trying to find a safe haven.

Running as fast as he could, Alex managed to reach his house just in time, shutting the front door behind him. The group of kids outside began pelting his room with pellets, their malicious intent evident. Their actions grew more aggressive, and a stray pellet shattered the window, sending shards of glass scattering across the floor.

The incident left Alex shaken and fearful for his safety. He sought solace within the walls of his home, grateful for the protective embrace it offered him.

Later that evening, as his family gathered around the television, a sudden disruption in the broadcast caught their attention. The antenna was malfunctioning, causing the screen to flicker and distort. With his father absent, Alex took it upon himself to investigate the issue. He climbed up to the rooftop to inspect the antenna, unaware of the danger that awaited him.

In a cruel twist of fate, Alex lost his footing and slipped, tumbling down from the rooftop. The impact left him with a broken right hand and a sense of profound vulnerability. He was rushed to the hospital, where his mother tirelessly cared for him, her love and concern unwavering.

During his recovery, Nerma paid him a visit. She expressed her sympathy for what he had endured and acknowledged the limitations placed on their relationship by her parents’ expectations. Despite the restrictions, she conveyed her desire to remain friends, offering him a sense of support and understanding in a difficult time.

As Alex reflected on his experiences, he realized the importance of resilience and the strength that could be found within oneself. He recognized that the challenges he faced were opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

With time, Alex’s broken hand healed, but the scars from his encounters remained, serving as reminders of the lessons he had learned. 

Overwhelmed with mixed emotions, Alex held onto the hope that there might still be a chance for a deeper connection with Nerma. Her kiss on his forehead lingered in his thoughts, sparking a sense of possibility within him. He became determined to find a way to navigate the religious barrier that separated them.

Meanwhile, the disappearance of his dear friend Ethan weighed heavily on Alex’s mind. The search efforts by his family and the police yielded no leads, leaving them in a state of worry and uncertainty. Days turned into weeks, and the absence of his closest companion created a void in Alex’s life.

Then, one fateful day, a note mysteriously arrived for Alex. The message, written in Ethan’s handwriting, revealed a surprising revelation: “I am too a bedwetter.” Alex showed the note to his parents, who became deeply concerned and promptly handed it over to the police as evidence.

After conducting a thorough analysis, the police confirmed that the note was indeed written by Ethan. This discovery intensified the search efforts, as authorities recognized the urgent need to locate him.

Days passed, filled with worry and unanswered questions. But then, a ray of hope emerged when news spread throughout the school that Ethan had returned. Alex’s heart raced with excitement and relief. He immediately rushed back home to find his long-lost friend.

Upon arriving, Alex discovered Ethan calmly lying on his bed, as if he had never disappeared at all. Bewildered, Alex approached him, eager to understand the truth behind his absence. Ethan began recounting a fantastical story about his journey to a cave in his dream, where he spent an entire lifetime before returning as a child.

Alex, initially taken aback, couldn’t help but laugh in response to Ethan’s mischievous nature, and told him that he is very good at making up these stories. But Ethan is adamant about the fact that he did live a lifetime in that cave, and he advised Alex not to stop peeing the next time, just keep peeing and don’t wake up whatever happens. Alex is still not convinced but he promises Ethan that he will try to do that the next time he falls asleep on his bed. 

To be continued!

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Ishaq Dar; An Exemplary fool!




Stephen Sackur, age 56 is widely known for his controversial BBC Hardtalks with guests from a wide variety of professions. Interviewed the ex-finance minister of Pakistan, Ishaq dar. This was the kind of an interview, where ishaq dar was supposed to cement his position about his perspective of the current government of Pakistan. But the interview went completely other way, since ishaq dar from the start of the interview, was called as an escapee from Pakistan by the interviewer, by Stephen sacker himself.

When asked that you are alleged to have more than 600 million dollars, these are assets more than your acquired resources, and that how many properties that you own in Pakistan?

Ishaq dar replied with hesitation at first, that its all declared in my tax returns, Stephen Sackur again asked how many properties did you own in Pakistan… Ishaq dar replied like a seasoned liar, “One property”!

“One property”, even a corrupt cleric owns more than one property in Pakistan, and Ishaq dar bluntly replied that i only own one property in Pakistan.

Stephen Sackur asked again, Not even in Dubai, Ishaq dar replied, ” My sons have just one villa and is owned by them since they are in business for last 17 years”.

Stephen Sackur said again, that when I asked you, “how many properties you have in total”, then you replied, “Only one” it’s not strictly true. Now, change of stance by Seasoned fool, “Agains insisting that it’s true, and that my children are adults, they can make as many properties as they want”. So Stephen Sackur asked again, that you know that when NAB (National Accountability Bureau) was looking at your assets, it meant that they were looking at both you and your family’s assets.

Stephen Sackur ask again, if all of this is very clear cut and if its true that you only own one property. And everything is just very crystal clear, then why do you not go back to Pakistan and make this case in the court of Law ( Where you were an ex-finance minister, where you looted all the money, made fool of the old and sick, took votes from innocent people who think you can change their lives)

Ishaq dar replies, ” Well, the court of law, my lawyers were there ( thinking in the back of his mind, that I don’t give a fuck about courts in Pakistan)… I am here for the medical treatment and I don’t wanna go back since my ass already escaped to London.

Again Stephen Sackur asks, “you been here for 3 fuckin years, are you trying to make a fool out of me, shit face” Because i have seen fuck boys like you giving me a prep talk, but i know a fool when i see one, and you are the one”.

Anyways lets move on seriously!

Stephen Sackur: Are you still really suffering from the disease?

Ishaq dar: Yes, Yes, I am ( i sometimes forget what i am suffering from, but yes i am suffering from schizophrenia too)

Stephen Sackur: Cant you possibly go back to Pakistan, we are already hosting a lot of fugitives like you here?

Ishaq dar: Well.. (hesitatingly) lets see…Now starts bashing Pakistan .. Where are the human rights.. and the current government is running a maligning campaign against former Prime minister, Nawaz Sharif

Hold on ! fuck face hold on …

Stephen Sackur: The truth is Nawaz Sharif is a convicted criminal..

Ishaq dar: its not proved ..its not proved! even in the two judgements gave by the court of Pakistan ( the court that i don’t give a shit about, since i am escaping from it and sitting on my fat ass in London enjoying this beautiful life )

Stephen Sackur: Nawaz sharif (the leader of your party) was convicted by the court for ten years on the charges of corruption as his name appeared in the Panama Papers, ( then his sentence was reduced to 8 years) .. he was allowed to go to London on medical reasons like you were allowed, and then again you two fuck boys didn’t went back to face the criminal prosecution and now you are sitting in front of me and telling me that you are not escaping justice ..

First of all Ishaq dar tell me, who the fuck do you think i am…

Stephen Sackur: You are trying to run a campaign against current Prime minister of Pakistan (Imran Khan), what credibility do you have?

ishaq dar: It was a stolen and rigged election ..

Stephen Sackur: But according to the EU monitoring report, the election results were satisfied and this means not rigged, so why the fuck would i listen to you …

ishaq dar: But it was rigged election

Stephen Sackur: how?

Ishaq dar: That’s what they fucking told me .. what am I supposed to say on BBC ..

Stephen Sackur: So, the truth is that Imran khan has the democratic mandate and you are just a fuck boy! Because the EU chief of the commission said that the results of the elections are credible.

When Stephen Sackur asked that why did you put allegations on the army chief of your own country that he, himself influenced the election, Ishaq dar replied, ” The bug sits at the top”. “You don’t know that Pakistan is a deep state”, the term used by corrupt politicians when they are not in the government to indicate that army helped some party to win the elections.

But then again, Liar liar pants on fire ( you suck Ishaq dar, because you were in the government few years ago and sure you didn’t say shit at that time.

Then after arguing on the same, notion he said, i am not pointing at the whole army, i am just pointing at some individuals. Ishaq dar meant to say, that current army journal is bad and he helped the current prime minister to get elected. But he is the same army journal who was appointed by Ishaq dar’s government, so the fact that he helped the new Prime minster to get elected can never be true.

Again a tough question coming his way, Stephen Sackur asked that your leader, Nawaz Sharif made the govenrment with the military dictator General Zia, but suddenly he has decided that the Army is against him, because they are not working with him any more and he is not in the power…

Ishaq Dar: its an evolution process, this world came into being after the big bang!

Stephen Sackur: What the fuck is wrong with you Dar!

Ishaq Dar: I certainly disagree with you!

Stephen Sackur: I asked you a fucking question, you dick head!

Ishaq Dar: I…. I …. disbelief… i certainly don’t … i disagree with you!

Stephen Sackur: Fuck u!

Ishaq Dar: What!

Anyways … lets

Ishaq Dar: Imran khan is bad guy, he was known as Taliban khan, he accused Pakistani intelligence services …

Stephen Sackur: It was regrettable that Ex-Prime-minister took the name of the current army chief in Pakistan, said by Bilawal Bhutto, and even the daughter of Nawaz sharif said that i am not anti-military.

Ishaq dar: Hey, can you ask me any easy fucking question, because these questions are fucking hard..and i don’t know shit about them..

Stephen Sackur: Dummy! that’s why its called Hard talk!

Stephen Sackur: Why are you creating instability in Pakistan when there is Pandemic in the whole wide world? What is the fucking, reason, are you fucking insane?

Ishaq dar: You have to be a neutral umpire here …

Stephen Sackur: We are not playing fucking cricket here, dick head…

Stephen Sackur: You can choose to go home, but what you are doing is ..that you are sitting in London, and trying to destabalise the situation in Pakistan… who the fuck does that to their own country … your people elected Imran Khan… so stay the fuck away from them.. because you ain’t good to respond me now, how can you run the finances of a big country like Pakistan… Sure in hell, you cant run a small firm, you cheap stake..

Stephen Sackur: And i think Imran khan stand in a very tough stand against India and Modi.. and he cen never be a fascist…

Ishaq dar: ( smiling)

Stephen Sackur: What the fuck are you smiling about, i am serious!

Ishaq dar: Ok (serious)

Stephen Sackur: So, just tell me what kind of his policies personifies fascism, when he has opened the pilgrimage locations in Pakistan and invested upon them so that the Sikhs can come from India to Pakistan and they can visit their own religious sites … Tell me ?

Ishaq dar: Well, let me google the meaning of Fascism .. i think i said something else..

Ishaq dar: You haven’t studied.. and you haven’t had time .. to see what kind of fascism he is doing…

Stephen Sackur: Have checked from google, you wanted to say facism ..

Ishaq dar: Yes, it was Fascism!

Stephen Sackur: Well! i have to end it here! you really fucked my head with your crazy answers. I don’t know how and why people like you were ever appointed as the Finance ministers in Pakistan.

Ishaq dar: What… I disbelief… I dont agree with you ..

Stephen Sackur: Get the fuck outta here!

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PS5 digital or XBOX Series S, what’s the best and cheapest option




PS5’s two editions and their prices have been announced, the digital edition of ps5 without the disc will be available for 399 dollars while the normal PS5 with blu ray disc option will be available for 499 dollars. if we convert these prices into Pakistani rupees then for a digital version of PS5 we have to pay only 66k and for normal edition, we have to pay around 83k. it is also expected that the prices will be much more than the simpler conversion rates since in Pakistan we always get prices, not on the basis of the conversion rates but the price that has been set by the market.

On the other hand, if we compare the prices of Xbox s series that is being sold for 299 dollars only and since it also does not have a disc option then it could be noted that it is a way cheaper console as compared to PS5 digital version. 299 dollars means you have to pay only 50k for a console, that is very cheap and most of the normal configuration PC’s can’t be built with that amount. So, if you are looking for a next-gen cheaper console then it is the best option for you to buy. Now let’s compare the digital edition of ps5 and the x box series s console on the basis of their specifications, and their especially their chipsets and on the basis of ram.

XBOX Series SPlay Station 5 Digital edition
GPU4 TFLOPS, 20 CUs @ 1.55 GHz Custom RDNA 2 GPU10.28 TFLOPS, 36 CUs @ 2.23 GHz Custom RDNA 2
CPU8x Cores @ 3.6 GHz (3.4 GHz w/ SMT) Custom Zen 2 CPU8x Cores @ 3.5GHz Custom Zen 2
Memory10GB GDDR616GB GDDR6
ResolutionTarget 1440p, 4K upscaledTarget 4K, up to 8K
Frame rateTarget 60FPS, up to 120FPSTarget 60FPS, up to 120FPS
Storage512GB SSD825GB SSD
ControllerXbox Series S controllerDualSense
Backward compatibilityYesYes
Optical driveNoneNone
SizeUnknown (60% smaller than Xbox Series X)Unknown

As you can see that we are getting 10.28 TFLOPS, 36 CUs @ 2.23 GHz Custom RDNA 2 with PlayStation 5 digital edition that is very impressive that is equivalent to RTX 2080 super which is of 160k in Pakistan. Therefore, for 399 dollars its nothing but a steal also we are getting 8X cores at 3.5 GHz. Ram is 16 gb GDDR6, while on the other hand, the XBox series S is relatively offering lower performance features. For instance, it is offering 4 TFLOPS, 20 CUs @ 1.55 GHz Custom RDNA 2 GPU, 6 TFLOPs less than PlayStation digital and around 1GHz less performance. Not only this the storage is very low as far as X box series is concerned 512 GB of storage while on the Playstation, but hefty storage of around 1 tera bite or around 825 gb is also being offered. All of these specs indicate that PS5 digital version is the best steal and the deal that you can get in 399 since it is giving the best indicators of a true next gen console as far as performance is concerned.

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Michael Keaton to play old batman in flashpoint, Jeffrey dean morgan to reprise his role as thomas wayne and Darkseid returns




DC is making all the right news nowadays, with the new batman in hand. DC seems to make all the right choices, it seems that Michael Keaton is in talks to play the old batman in Flashpoint. Not only this Jeffrey Dean Morgan will reprise his role of Thomas Wayne in the New Flashpoint movie. If you don’t know the name Flashpoint, you probably are not the DC fan, because it is the most anticipated Flash movies that DC could make. Flash can move so fast, that he is able to bend the time and change the reality, hence he travels into an alternate universe where Thoman Wayne is alive and not dead, yes he is alive but unfortunately in this reality, Bruce is not and hence Thoman Wayne is batman. But he has some different set of rules, Batman don’t use the guns, but here Thoman Wayne is using the guns since his child and Wife was being shot in the alley. He, in the animated flashpoint movie said I was once a doctor… let us have a look at the below clip..

Flash meets thomas wayne

Yes, you will see a different batman sign on the chest of Thomas Wayne, Flash tries to convince Thomas Wayne that bruce is alive in an alternate reality, he shows him a ring saying that his uniform is in that ring, but the uniform turns out to be something else, Professor zooms uniform. The man who is an anti-Flash, in this alternate reality Diana and Arthur are going to start world war 3.

Not only this, a teaser of the Zack Snyders Justice league or as you call it the darker league has been released. In which wonder woman, stares at an old sculpture of the great, “Dark Seid”. There are some greek letters written beside his sculpture, and wonder woman is looking at the sculpture mysteriously, as he always does, have a look at the teaser also.

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