Once upon a time, in a world ravaged by a fungal pandemic, there lived a man named Joel. He was a smuggler and a survivor who...
THORGRIMM AND FREYA Once upon a time in the Nordic world, there lived a young man named Thorgrimm who lived in a small village surrounded by...
Tale 1 Once upon a time, there was a man named David and a woman named Sarah. Both of them had suffered a terrible accident that...
Все началось с того, что я закурил сигарету в старом парижском районе, чтобы побороть холодную ночь, услышав громкие возгласы за спиной. Ночной клуб, перед которым я...
The End The End was about to start, ” I lit up the only cigarette in my pocket ” and I once looked at it thoroughly...
My grandma recently passed away…. and finally, we have the kind of stereotypes that you can meet at the funeral. My day was sad, I was...
My 29 years on earth were interesting but under-rated and now I feel scared to step into my thirties. I travelled, became a teacher but then...
Thunders apart the skies, the rain was raging into my memories. Sad stories of my past were battling within the circus of the mind. I have...
My journey in this world is unplanned and never have I ever thought that I would be able to travel alone in Europe, hopping on different...
When I graduated I had a lot of dreams, I was thinking to transfer my knowledge so that what I learnt can be consumed by others...
Chapter five: One inch Closer Aliya picks up Osman’s diary … she reads….. Aliya I cannot have sex with you… she hears Osman coming by …....
Disclaimer: This is a fictional short story, bear no resemblance with any living or dead individual.. and is entirely based on the thoughts of the Writer...